Maps are incredibly fascinating when you look at the detail and information they provide. And whilst they are a means of communicating the wondrous world around us, they can be perceived as works of art in their own right. Whether it be a tube map, or a more complex city map, you can’t deny they’re interesting to look at. Maps have provided us with a universal medium for centuries, regardless of language or culture, and the earliest known maps go back as far…
Designer Crush – Timorous Beasties I’ve had a serious crush on Timorous Beasties designs since my Interior Design study days. You may have already come across their designs, but just in case you havent, they are a predominately a fabric and wallpaper design company. Having said that, for me their designs are works of art in their own right. And who doesn’t want to have some form of art in their homes. Timorous Beasties fabrics and wallpapers are handprinted and are the mainstay…