If there ever was a home that inspired you to pick up the paintbrush and add a splash of colour and pattern to your homes, it has to be today’s home tour of Saara McLoughlin. Saara aka @saara_mcloughlin was our @eclectically_made winner last month over on Instagram and is definitely one to follow. Ready to have a look around her fabulous home… Colour & Pattern Filled Eclectic Home – Saara McLoughlin About Saara McLoughlin Born in Finland, Saara has lived…
The Artful Play of Pattern & Eclectic Decor – Sarah Hubbard
December 20, 2019Welcome to a new interiors page that I’m now hosting alongside some fabulous interior accounts that make up @eclectically_made over on Instagram. November’s winner is the lovely Sarah aka @nudeinthenovice. If there’s one thing that you’ll hopefully take away with you today it’s experimenting with pattern and colour in your homes. It’s something that I’ve started to try out in our newly decorated garden room. It might take a leap of faith to give it a go but it’s so…
How are we all? Ready to take a nice slow cruise over the pond to @greathomestaketimes latest winner Jenasie’s aka @msviciousdesign’s beautiful home? If you’re obsessed with all things vintage and have an eye for eclectic design, then you’re in the right place today. Jenasie’s Utah family home is all of the above and more. It’s a home worth taking a look around just to be inspired by what you can achieve when you take time to build a home…